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Mainie Collection

Mainie is an Aboriginal owned, Australian company with a vision to be recognised internationally as a distinctively Australian fashion and gift brand.

The Mainie fashion and gift collection is a unique melding of two ancient artisan cultures: one originating from Australia’s unbroken 60,000-year-old Aboriginal arts heritage, and the other from the fabled Silk Road, where silk-making first began over 4,700 years ago.

Mainie is an approved Dealer Member of the Indigenous Art Code. The company embraces Fair Trade ethics and is committed to supporting Aboriginal women artists to earn an independent income from their own work and to preserve their traditional cultural heritage for future generations. 

Royalties from the sale of Mainie garments are paid to the Aboriginal artists.  Since its foundation, Mainie has made substantial financial investments by way of artwork purchases, licence fees and royalty payments to Aboriginal artists and their families.

Mainie has partnered with local artist, Natasha Davui, an Irukandji, Djabugay, Gunggari woman, to create a collection of designs inspired by the natural beauty of the iconic reef and tropical rainforest environments unique to the Cairns region. Find out more.

About the artwork

Reef to Rainforest, 2019 
Commercial dyes on cotton

Artist: Natasha Davui  Designer: Charmain Saunders

This painting shows the true essence of the Cairns natural surroundings, from the reef to the rainforest. The yellow circles represent the reef, the green represents the rainforest, the blue dots represent the sea and waterways in Cairns and the white dots represent the sand on the beaches. The people and the animals of the area need all these surroundings to survive, as they provide shelter, food and foundations of life and we cannot live with one without the other. 

Located on level 6

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