Travel alert COVID-19 update

Narayan Gopalkrishnan

About the artist

Dr Narayan Gopalkrishnan is an academic from James Cook University, where he coordinates the Bachelor of Social Work degree.

As a migrant from the tropics in India, he loves the colours and contrasts that flourish in Far North Queensland and attempts to capture some of this through his passion for photography.

Narayan was a regular visitor to this gorgeous part of the world for many years before coming to live here 10 years ago. Now he gets to indulge his love for photography and has had his work exhibited in several local galleries.


Tropical Mangrove Before Sunrise one and two, 2018

The Early Bird, 2017

This collection of images form part of the series The Heart of the Tropics, which celebrates life from the point of view of a migrant from a tropical land finding home again in the tropics in Australia. Each of the images in the series reflects an aspect of the tropics; the warmth, the lush colours, and the depth of life; all which flow across national boundaries and fill our hearts.

Tropical Mangrove before Sunrise 1 and 2 were taken just before dawn on a deserted beach north of Palm Cove. A very long exposure was used to get the smooth yet mildly foreboding look that often precedes a tropical storm.

The Early Bird was taken on Trinity Beach on a cloudy day and captures the sense of space and timelessness that is one aspect of the tropics.

Located at Level 11

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