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Best Price Guarantee

Ain't no doubt about it

We've got you sorted with the absolute lowest rates on all rooms and suites at all Crystalbrook Collection Hotels and Resorts when you book direct at We guarantee it!

You'll save 15% on every booking.

If (in a one-in-a-trillion chance), you do find a better rate elsewhere for the same room, rate, night and hotel, let us know and we'll beat it...Or we'll match it and add a little something special to your stay. 

Book direct with promo code THECROWD to enjoy 15% off every time. You'll also become a member of Crystalbrook Crowd (it's free and you'll be the first to know all of our secrets - new hotels, restaurants, spas and exciting offers, events and packages!). 

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Room or suite category, rate, stay dates, number of guests, restrictions, terms and conditions must be the same as Crystalbrook Collection direct offer. Third-party lower rate must be within 24-hours of booking window. Subject to availability.

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